Fall Fun in Woods Hole
On a blue sky day, with puffy clouds in the distance, we gathered on the beach in Woods Hole to enjoy a historic boat race — the “Anything But A Boat” challenge pitting locals against one another in a hilarious romp around Woods Hole harbor in home-made vessels.

“Un-Boats” of all shapes and sizes found their way to Woods Hole for the race which was sponsored by local businesses and the entire science community.

The “Sons of Carpentry” had a particularly impressive vehicle — no wonder as they all work in the carpentry shop at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Last time we raced like this was 2005, and there are photos of a similar extravaganza dating back to the 1920’s. Part of the “Sea Around Us” weekend, the race was themed to honor the legacy of Rachel Carson who did much of her research while working right here in Woods Hole.

After the boat race, the party moved over to the Landfall Restaurant and Quicks Hole Taqueria for free music from local bands Crooked Coast and Brother’s Rye.

It was truly fun for all ages with beach balls, corn hole and conversation in the warm September sunshine.

Special thanks was offered to the Long Trail Brewing Company who donated beer for the event, sold with 100% of the proceeds going to support Falmouth Water Stewards a local clean water group that is building re-usable water bottle filling stations all over town. #SeaAroundUs #SavetheOcean

Local chefs charred up loads of bratwurst on the shells out in front where Crooked Coast was playing. Mini lobster rolls, Quahog Chowder and lobster tacos were also crowd pleasers.

As the sun moved lower in the sky, Crooked Coast played their last set with an array of extra horns lending a wonderful accent to some of their best songs.

Rooster and Mary Anne Fricke of Nobska Farm fame were tearing up the rug on the shells as Brother’s Rye finished up their last set of the afternoon.

If you missed the “Sea Around Us” weekend this year, never fear as the summer fun does not stop in Woods Hole until the leaves are full off the trees in late October. Just come on down and check out the unique waterfront dining scene. Or plan to join us next year on Cape Cod, because this celebration was simply too fun not to repeat.